I'm not someone used to being
jealous of people. I do of course become influenced or impressed, but jealousy
is just not my response.
Or so I thought, until
The credit for my dress
designing and stitching goes completely to my maternal grandmother [ نانو ]. Mama doesn't usually bear the torture of
sitting with a sewing machine, but something made her make me a dress this
time, yesterday.
It was a pink-and-white
printed cotton dress, and large scraps of the cloth as well as some of the
adorning lace were left over by the end. Mama wrapped them up into a ball and
placed them in a shopper in case she might need them later on. She then began
clearing up the place ready to prepare dinner. After testing the dress for
fitting, I logged onto Facebook to check out the social network updates. I
expected mama to be in the kitchen, and so the gentle whirr of the sewing
machine came as a surprise. I put it down to her mending something as an
afterthought. No worries.
Absorbed in the World Wide Web
I realized only after 20minutes that the whirring was still continuing!
I got up to check up on mama.
And what did I see? Mama holding up a white frock with pleated neck; the same
pink-and-white cotton highlighting the shoulder joints; the white embroidered
lace encircling the hem. A pretty girl-ish frock. That might not have been much
in itself had I not seen the huge loving smile on her face. I was
shell-shocked. I mean, who was that little dress for? We don't have a little
girl that age for miles in our extended family, so why the dress?
Before I could speak a word,
mama asked me how did the frock look? I said hmm, good, but who WAS it for? So
she told me; it was for the daughter of a classmate from Quran class. Wasn't it
pretty? How should she join the bow? Like the traditional two-tier thing, or
the simple kind? She kept asking me these questions in quick succession but
they were entirely lost on me. Yes, I was furious in my mind. Jealous. Of the
little girl.
And on top of the cloth-ey
business, she also mentioned that the little girl was one pretty thing and was
a 'girl' true to the bone. That she usually wore the pinks and purples meant
for little girls; had straight hair she usually wore in two ponytails; had a
sweet voice one just wanted to hear over and over again. I'm sure mama didn't
mean to point out my own un-girl-iness, but I felt the contrast hard.
Really hard.
Why was I jealous? Maybe
because it was MY mother making a dress for ANOTHER little 'girl'. Because it's
ME who's going to a different country in a week's time. Because it's ME who
wants MY own mother's FULL attention. Maybe this. Maybe that.
I know it's hardly the
response to expect from a university student. I mean, نانو makes
the girls in her area dresses all the time as gifts, and I haven't once felt
like this.
But, this time…?
I'm ashamed. But… but…*another
bout of uncontrollable jealousy*