Sunday 17 February 2013

Nescafe: Joy or Joy?

I was talking to a friend from middle school yesterday. It was after a long time and the conversation turned to our Facebook updates nowadays; that's when we found our common passion for coffee! I was quite glad to have found a fellow coffee addict.
Somewhere in between she suggested why don't I blog on Nescafe and the coffee experience? I immediately took up the idea. Anything for Nescafe!

So today I'm going to write about the richness of a steaming cup of these ethereal beans.

There are people who love the experience of coffee, and others who dismiss it. Some have it just to get an edge during the exams by getting enhanced sharpness of the mind, while others have it purely for it's own sake. The first class of people treat as a kind of 'medicine' and prepare a cuppa in a totally mechanical procedure, following the instructions on the How To label. But for those like me and my friend, the experience is so much more 'personal'.

While the major steps to preparation remain the same, we are free to experiment. Trying out different high-grade chocolates to prepare a mocha, investing in a milk frother to get a cappuccino look-alike, especially buying skimmed milk since that gives the best milk foam is so us. Closely monitoring the temperature of the water as it heats up so it's just the right value for the ideal diffusion of flavor; setting the timer value to microwave the milk so it's neither steaming nor too cool; frothing it to get the desired foam consistency; adding in a heaping spoonful of coffee powder (if the instant variety) to the water and preparing an 'espresso'.
Then there is the whole business of choosing the cup to pour the coffee into; that depends totally upon the drinker's mood and strength of coffee prepared on any day.
Then pouring in the espresso and the milk simultaneously so they mix au naturel.

After the preparation comes, of course, the actual savoring.
You sit down comfy and bring the cup to your mouth. Inhale the flavour-induced steam and smile at the feeling. Take the first sip. Oh, it's just so hot yet, ouch!
The next sip feels like heaven. You let it roll around your tongue and extract the coffee-ness. It always brings the image of a Patchi store and a Starbucks seating arrangement to my mind somehow (does it to yours too Aliza?). And chocolate and coffee are quite inseparable in my mind.
After that you just give yourself over to the moments till you've reached the last sip. After which you groan and think 'Over so soon!? :/'
And begin the countdown to your next cuppa!

Now, I think adding sugar just spoils the taste. I personally prefer adding in some drinking chocolate powder if at all sweetening IS needed.
Some people pour in tablespoons and it just bugs me so much I want to ask them 'Do you want to drink coffee, really? Because it seems to me you just want the un-carbonated version of a coffee-flavoured soft drink -_- ! '

Do you share the same passion for this dark liquid?
Do leave your comments below!

Meantime, I'll just go get myself another cuppa!


  1. OH joy! I enjoyed reading every word of it. The experiments always turn out to be better than the last, although there are worst ones, but they just further define our taste. :)
    "a Patchi store and a Starbucks seating arrangement" haha, you do enjoy your coffee in a "perfect" way. Once you sip on the coffee it seems everything around comes to a stop. Its this image plus a peaceful surrounding to let the taste sink in without any disturbances. Its just heavens every bit of it, from the making to the last sip. :D

  2. I cannot relate to this at all (but I realize I'm a minority)

  3. Once at Starbucks I sprinkled tons of cocoa powder on my cappuccino. And with the first sip realized it was Cinnamon powder! O_0
