What does the word
remind you of?
Maybe the smiling
face of the pretty girl on ScotchBrite®. Or perhaps SpongeBob ® for those of
you who like watching cartoons. Both these are smiling reminders.
But if you look at a
sponge closely, it is actually a sad little thing.
The way it looks
solid at first glance but reveals holes, pockets of air when you zoom in
reminds me so much of us, the people. We are just the same: solid and
courageous on the outside yet the same cowering beings inside, all of us,
shrinking away silently against fear, the feeling of not being 'wanted' and
'needed', of not being 'loved'; the insecurities, the jealousies we try our
best to mask during the day keeping in view 'people skills' yet can never fully
escape because they WILL resurface no matter, seeking out our darkest moments
to become their brightest.
Just like a sponge
we absorb what is around us. Hold it's essence only as long as things are
proceeding the way we want them, as long as we are masters of the grease we are
made to wipe and not it's slaves. We absorb it so much so that we begin to drip
the essence.
But along comes
either a change of scenario or a bad incident to throw us off balance and we
get 'squeezed out'. Back to the original hole-d condition.
Sometimes when you
begin to feel things, being reminded of instances and begin to think of
something more than you should, it feels like
you literally ARE a sponge: so hollow, so weak and malleable, so
dispensable. And why not, since the brain itself is a sponge soaked in blood,
the fibres of which are formed of as many neurons as are stars in the universe?
And then sometimes,
you feel so light like a sponge too, ready to lift off your feet and fly up
into the sky feeling like the luckiest person around.
And the lightness
comes also when you feel horrible, those
days you feel like a prisoner trapped inside your own head.
Classic paradox for
Just like a sponge
you sometimes feel used in a bad way, enough to make you lose respect for
either yourself or the other person. Unsure if it was you who was stupid enough
to not realize, or the other person just so mean on you.
Life is strange and
it is said in modern Biology that biological sponges were among the first
living things to come into being in the form we see them in today.
Over the years the
human race has switched over to synthetic polymer-based sponges.
But does it mean we
give up hope in life, in feeling, emotion and prayer?
I think not.
You only have to
look at the cheerful ScotchBrite® girl to see
that synthetic sponges DO come in pretty packaging too and that with care,
it can last you a long time.
That is what you
have to look for in life. Sustainability.
Moments of happiness. Of ecstasy.
I love this. It's such an accurate analogy- people really are sponges. I guess we should aim to be open enough to absorb all the positive affects people around us can have on us and strong enough to resist being squeezed by others.