Have you ever
thought what it means to be 'you', the 'me' and the 'I'?
What it is you
actually are other than an ingeniously crafted ensemble of flesh and bone?
I've asked myself
these things many times and there is an array of answers that come to mind in
the form of flashes and mental-picture-postcards.
Often there is
something that comes your way and changes everything, simply
e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. The A-Z of your being. You teeter on the brink of sanity
and happiness and a tumultuous upheaval of other emotions. All a part of
growing up you say, just the way you have been told things will and should turn
out. That does not necessarily make it all any easier to handle of course. Just
the warning.
We are all a
walking, talking, book-and-pen set.
We are all an open
book that starts out crisp and blank. The introductory page is filled out by
your mama to initiate the celebration that is
your life. The page is turned and the book is left open for others of
the world to come and start filling in and leave their mark. Some of us are a plain open book with smooth,
easy to turn pages. Pens come and scratch us at their will. We may want to
scream and shout and ogle out words to that effect but we fail wretchedly. We
let them scratch and scratch us till the paper tears around where they are
scratching and begins to bleed. The ink soaks through the cracks and leaves a
mark on many, many pages to come. And sometimes not satisfied with its occupied
territory the ink decides to penetrate through to the last page of your life.
Some pen marks are
made with beautiful ink of the finest quality and perhaps lightly fragranced
too. They make you feel your happiest possible while the words are being
written out. You cherish the moments within each moment. But as soon as they
lift away and the writing is done with, you are jolted awake from sweet
slumber. You stare around and wish and wish for the pen to come back. You
wouldn’t mind if it scratched and tore you, if it soaked you in ink or if it
ripped you apart. The fragrance is so addictive, the touch so smooth you begin
to lose your head. You fall into a frenzy and whip your pages to and fro in
infernal fury and frustration.
Perhaps the
fragrance was opiated.
Some others are made
of stiffer paper with tougher binding. The scratching pens come and try to
spoil but the books hold, they will not be tampered with so easily. Made
according to rules and built just for following them, these are the volumes
that 'survive without unnecessary drama' and shut down every night feeling they
have satisfied everyone in life even though their hearts have screamed against
them the whole day. But someone inked in the Prologue of their book that life
exists only to serve others, 'you' don’t matter to you.
We are each a pen
too and we go about making our marks on other books every day, every moment of
our lives. We sometimes linger before writing those words we want to in those
special books. Think over a lot trying to buy time to decide whether or not we should
write what we really want to.
Some of us do write
them out and wait for a reader to come read them, for God to listen and answer
the prayer you have written down with each letter shaped out with so much love.
Some of us pass up.
Maybe that is the
reason we may never know if our prayer has been fulfilled.
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